The more I see of the WT, and the more I know about them, the more I think that they just put whatever the heck numbers they want in the "Yearbook"... right?
i.e.: "We are $9,000 behind in costs for this assembly"
this notice is not official yet and it should be confidential until released thru the proper channels.
a friend of mine told me about a huge elders meeting in southern california.
the subject was the relocation and dissolution of some congregations; it seems that this is the result of some project that has been going on for some time and is going to be implemented right now.. please let me know if this is happening all over the country?.
The more I see of the WT, and the more I know about them, the more I think that they just put whatever the heck numbers they want in the "Yearbook"... right?
i.e.: "We are $9,000 behind in costs for this assembly"
jehovah's witnesses accept jesus as christ, the son of god.
they try, in their own way, to live by his teachings and imitate him.
they pray, read the bible and meet together regularly for worship.. i won't minimise any of the harm and damage they cause but for the life of me, i can't see how anyone can credibly deny that they are christians.. why do so many former jws have a problem with this?
For me, if you heard me say "they are not Christian", it would be a phrase to mean:
"If you want to call yourselves Christian, then act 'Christ like' "
"Christians" say that Jesus was humble, or kind, or compassionate, or stood up for what was right, did not cave into hypocrisy. "Christians" say that they are "followers of Christ"
So when this type of person acts the opposite of "Christ".... I say, "they are not Christian"
Just as when a Vegan eats meat all the time.... Can we really call them 'Vegan'/
i just wanted to share a perspective related to my experience with leaving the jw.
at this point, i have been df'd since i was 18. i'm 25, happily married with 2 fantastic children.
after being miserably at odds with my parents and extended family, i've come to some realizations as follows.. i struggled with the conditional nature of my parent's love- talking to me until it bothered their conscience, then cutting me off.
Shunning the mother and father of children, and laughing and talking on Skype is mean and hurtful. It is not right. It teaches children to feel that they are better than their mother and father. This happened to my niece. She left the organization years ago, married a very nice 'worldly' guy, they have two beautiful daughters.
My sister would call, and Skype with my niece's daughter.... My niece had to staying the background, and listen. It was devastating. Also, my sister would speak to her granddaughter about "the truth" and 'demons' and 'toys' that she should get rid of, or the little girl would be bothered by demons. Thank God the Borg made Sophia & Caleb videos that convinced her she needed to get rid of those toys.... (sarcasm and irritation intended) All it took was one afternoon, "away from Mom.'"
My niece & nephew had no idea these things existed, or took place. They have now decided that they shall no longer allow themselves to be treated as "ghosts' in the same room.
Do not let your mom & dad make you feel bad by only talking to your grandchildren, put your energy into your children, help your children to be proud of their unconditional loving parents.
i discovered your website this morning as i was trying to find some information about 'marking'.
you see a very close friend of mine was 'marked' earlier this week and as i know the ins and outs of the situation (as we are close friends) i disregarded the talk immediately as i know my friend is obviously having issues but is no way a 'danger' to anybody else's spiritual health.
basically they are dating a non-believer- hence the talk.
Marking is a very mean and devastating thing to do.... it is mental cruelty. I am happy for your friend, that you are willing to stand by your principles, and show love.
Bad things happen when people just obey "even when told to do things that do not sound right from a human standpoint", right?
so me and my wife have not been on speaking terms for about 5 weeks, and when we do .
talkā¦it is arguing about the jw cult and more of a barrage from me telling here all the stuff i have learned.
i know i shouldn't do this....but, i get so freaking p.o ed aobut what this cult has done to my family.
I liked the advice on JWfacts, you cannot go too fast. You have already given her many things to think about, give her time.
Be nice to her, develop a different relationship, one built on interests other than JW things. Gardening? Music? Art? Go places, take classes together, become a different person... one she looks forward to seeing.
As far as her "kicking you out of the house"... I don't think she can without something legal ordering you to. So, if you don't move out "just because she tells you to" you will still have a place to live. That will make it easier for you if you decide to make adjustments.
Personally, I think the things she has written down are going to sink in... let her take her time in investigating...
The nicer you are, the less she has to complain about, right?
Good luck, let us know how it goes.....
lets try to think about this "logically", and i use that term loosely, because we are going to use jw "logic".. so, they say that satan is real.
these are the last days.
satan is "roaring about", like a lion, with him and his demons "trapped" within the confines of earth.
I was talking with my sister the other day, a and when you stop and think about "Satan being so evil", why would God give him any privileges? "Rule the world", "living longer than Adam", "being invisible" "scaring people"...
Who wants to serve such a "fair" god that allows that?
And for Christians who believe in HELL, Satan liveforeverer, doing the thing he loves most! Being a ruler & torturing people!
we learn from the bible that the characters that preached doomsday messages, such as lot, noah, etc all got to see the result of the message they preached, we studied that the final judgement from god was seen by the preacher as well as the people that heard and ignored the message.
my point is this, it would have been ridiculous for noah to start preaching to people, put the fear of god in all the listeners that the flood is coming, build the ark and then as a result, nothing happens to them.
even if the flood would have happened later, let's say 50 years after noah and all the people that heard him have died from natural causes.
Good point, fedup.
How many years before the flood did Noah preach? 40? +/-? Not 140! (2016 - 1876)
after a very quiet couple of hours detecting this afternoon i was chuffed to find this silver coin.. it is a groat of edward iii of england.
for a long time the only coin available was the silver penny.
if you wanted to spend half a penny or a quarter you literally cut it up.
Awesome! Are you keeping? selling? donating?
till yesterday it seems my world was very quiet.
my kids and friends kept telling me you are so hard of hearing.
finally i got tired of asking them to repeat what they had just said.
Awesome, I will have to look into it for my dad ; - )
the peruvian government intervened on behalf of this child whose ignorant jw parents left his life in jay hoover's hands....
Thx, Mrs. Flipper, good reality check:
"Most parents will shun their children, rather than give up paradise."
No, it is not loving.
cha ching!